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Frequently Asked Questions!

seeing "Psychic Medium, Tarot Reader, & Spiritual Mentor" in my job description tends to spark a lot of questions! read these FAQs (preferably before a reading with me) for some clarifying info!

What are Tarot cards & how does Mackenzie read them in a Tarot reading?

Tarot cards are a deck of 78 cards used for divination and gaining insights into various aspects of life. Each card has symbolic imagery and meanings that can be interpreted to provide guidance and understanding. Mackenzie, in a tarot reading, uses the cards as a tool to tap into her intuition and connect with the energies surrounding the individual seeking guidance. She shuffles the deck while focusing on the person's question or situation and then draws specific cards based on their position in a spread. By analyzing the symbolism, patterns, and relationships between the cards, Mackenzie interprets their meanings and delivers insights, potential outcomes, and advice to the person, helping them gain clarity and make informed decisions. Her readings are a blend of her intuition, knowledge of tarot symbolism, and her understanding of human experiences.

What is the difference between a psychic, medium, and a psychic medium?

Psychic: A psychic is a person who possesses extrasensory perception (ESP) or the ability to tap into information beyond the normal human senses. Psychics may use various methods such as clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), or other intuitive senses to gain insights into a person's past, present, or potential future events.

Medium: A medium is an individual who has the ability to communicate or connect with spirits of the deceased or entities from the spiritual realm. They act as intermediaries between the living and the spirit world, relaying messages from departed loved ones or providing insights from spiritual beings. Mediums use their heightened perception to receive and interpret messages, offering comfort and closure to those seeking to connect with the other side. Mediums are called mediums because in order for a human and a spirit to communicate, a human has to raise their vibration and a spirit has to lower their vibration.. so they meet in the MIDDLE!

Psychic Medium:​​ This term, in my opinion and experience, is for mediums who connect to spirits in a psychic way. Mediums normally physically see the spirit in the room with them and psychic mediums connect with the being in their mind’s eye or third eye. Psychic mediums connect to the human these souls once were, either by seeing the actual person in their mind’s eye or speaking to them through images and physical sensations. Remember, all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums! This term is ALSO an umbrella term used by spiritual mentors, meaning they are basic psychics but also are mediums.

What happens in a Tarot Soul Reading with Mackenzie and do I have to do anything beforehand?

In a session with Mackenzie, you will enter a scheduled Zoom call and we will get to know each other a little bit! Then, I’ll explain how I read and that I may need a minute to get your cards out and in order. I will relay everything I see, hear, and feel to you with my tarot cards, we’ll get into any questions you may have for me that you want me to ask, and you will leave with actionable steps to start legitimately implementing my guidance into your life! Questions are not required for you to prepare, but I like to reserve time for that, just in case you’re curious about anything. The only thing I ask you to do beforehand is to plan to be in a space that has little to no distractions, take a deep breath, remain open-minded, and maybe have something to write with if you don't want the reading recorded for future reference!

What happens in a psychic mediumship reading with Mackenzie?

Psychic Mediumship readings are way different than tarot readings! Of course, you still hop on a scheduled zoom call with me, but there won’t be any cards! When you come on the zoom call, I clarify what spirit you would like to talk to! All I need is their name and relation to you, but if you don’t want to talk to anyone specific, I can tap into your energy and see which passed away people come through! Some people show up to reading with no one in particular they would like to connect to, and that’s totally fine, in this case I’ll tap in generally and maybe even your guides will come through! Of course, it is a little more interesting and exciting to talk to someone you can verify information about! I’ll invite in whoever you would like to connect to into my space and mind’s eye (my third eye) and I will explain, just like in a tarot reading, everything I see, hear, and feel and then when time is wrapping up, you have asked all of the questions you want to ask, and the spirit we’ve connected to has said everything they need to say, I will say goodbye and ground back with you on the zoom call to conclude your reading and reflect!

How long should a person wait to make a connection with a loved one in the afterlife?

Honestly, I have connected to dead people that have passed away only a week before a reading and I've connected to dead people that have passed as long as 40 years before a reading. In my experience, it doesn’t matter. I would say, to be extra safe and respectful, wait at least two weeks after a death to try and contact your passed away loved one through a psychic medium! Either way, in my practice, spirits have the option to just not show up anyway! If that happens in a reading and the whole point of you booking a mediumship reading with me was to talk to that specific person only, and you're not open to any other spirit or connecting to your guides or with cards instead, then I will refund you fully! :)

Does spirit come through in different languages? Will there be a language barrier?

Yes, in my experience as a psychic medium, spirits can come through and speak different languages and there can be a language barrier. For example, I have spoken a few times to a client of mine’s uncle who was a Spanish speaking individual and it was basically like playing charades with him! He would say Spanish words but since I don't know Spanish, he would have to act out what he was trying to say instead! Messages will always be relayed to my sitter (the person I’m giving a reading to) in the most accurate and clear way possible, and if their is a language barrier, the spirit and I will do our best to relay those messages!

Can someone else sit with me during my session?

Yes! If you would like someone to listen in on your reading with me, for moral support or something, invite them on in… just keep in mind, with a tarot reading, I am only reading the person who paid!! In a psychic mediumship reading, for example, if you both were related to or friends with the dead person I am speaking to, I will talk to the dead person on behalf of both of you and whatever messages come from the spirit for either of you, I will happily relay those too! 

What if I’m nervous about my session?

That’s okay! No judgment here, I totally understand being nervous! Even being a reader myself, I get super nervous when I book a reading!! My advice to you is to remind yourself that I am human too… I am not an all-knowing being, ready to tell you when you’re going to die or something crazy! We are just two humans, talking through a spiritual tool. Take a deep, long breath, know you are safe, and be open to whatever guidance comes through for your highest good.

Can anyone communicate with the "Other Side?"

Yes! I believe intuition is a muscle, everyone has one!! Whether you decide to tap into this intuition of yours, to therefore grow your psychic abilities, is up to you. Your intuition will never leave you, it can grow stronger or weaker, but it’s up to you whether you want to learn how to use it or not, and everyone has that option! 

Do spirits ever describe what the "Other Side" looks like?

In my experience, I have never had a spirit tell me what the other side looks like. I have had a few spirits in a reading describe what the other side FEELS like… light, freeing, peaceful, at-home, etc. In my practice, when spirits come through, they come through in my “Connection Room.” My Connection Room is a space I open up in my mind during a reading that is like a big black, blank room that a spirit pops up in. So, I don’t necessarily see the true, “other side” or “heaven", I see what my mind allows me to see. I’ve never asked a spirit what the other side looks like, honestly because it feels wrong and I’m a little scared of what they’ll show me.. I’d rather live in blissful ignorance, at least for right now. :)

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